On the Electronic Remittance screen, the user will see all ERA files that are currently available for each batch of claims submitted. The system is defaulted to display all ERA checks that were downloaded from the MDOL portal in the user’s previous session. To pull in ERAs files currently in the clearinghouse system, click the “Get ERA Check(s)” button.

You can also upload existing ERA checks from your computer into the system by clicking the “Upload ERA Check(s)” button and browsing for the file you want to upload.

To search for an ERA:

Enter search criteria and click the “Search” button. Search results will display below, with the total number of checks in the bottom left corner of the screen, and can be further sorted by clicking on any one of the blue heading links.

ERA notes can be added & viewed by scrolling over theINSYNC~1_img90 icon next to the ERA listing. To view unprocessed/denied claims only, click on the appropriate tab at the top of the screen. Users should select select the “Worked” check box to indicate having worked the claims within this ERA check; the system will record this automatically.

Click the Check Number link to view the claims associated with that ERA check.

From here, users can click the “+/-” next to the Claim # to view all service lines within a claim. Clicking the Claim # link directs the user to the New Charge screen, while clicking the Patient link directs the user to the Patient Demographics.

Users can also click “View” next to the ERA listing to view details of the remittance in a new window, including the check number, check date, claim numbers, and any reasons claim was not processed for.