Transferring Patient Unapplied Credit

Users can transfer patient’s unapplied credit to family members from the Payments and Payment Posting screens.


To transfer patient unapplied credit from the Payments screen:

1.From the top menu bar, click Payments.
2.Search the desired claim using search criteria.
3.Select the check boxes prior to patient names to transfer patient’s unapplied credit and click clip0080.
Note: These check boxes are available only for the patients which are a part of any family.
4.On the Transfer Patient Unapplied Credit screen, select the Source Patient, in case you have selected multiple patients on Payments screen. A list of unapplied credits is then displayed.
5.Select one or more unapplied credits from the list to transfer.
6.In the Destination Patient(s) section, enter the Transfer Amount next to the patients whom the amount is to be transferred.
7.Click Save.


The patient unapplied credit can also be transferred from the Payment Posting screen.


To transfer patient unapplied credit from the Payment Posting screen:


1.From the top menu bar, click Payments.
2.Search the desired claim using search criteria.
3.Click Payment Posting next to the patient name.
4.To transfer unapplied credit to family member, click clip0081. This option is available only for patient unapplied credits.
5.In the Destination Patient(s) section, enter the Transfer Amount next to the patients whom you want to transfer the selected unapplied credit.
6.Click Save.