Users can search for claims on the Payments screen by using the Search Claim window.

To perform a Claim Search:

1.Select the Date of Service from the Calendar using theINSYNC~1_img29 icon.
2.Select the Date of Submission from the Calendar using theINSYNC~1_img29 icon.
3.Select the Date of Posting from the Calendar using theINSYNC~1_img29 icon.
4.Start typing the patient’s name in the Patient field; select the patient from the list of search results.
Note: If the patient’s name does not appear, click the INSYNC~1_img42icon to perform a patient search.
5.Enter patient's MRN to generate report for that patient only. The users can enter MRN either in full or in part to filter a list of patients.
6.Select the Facility, Provider, Payer, Transaction Type, and Service Provider using the drop-down menus.
7.In the Responsibility field, click the drop-down arrow. Select appropriate check boxes next to Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, and Patient.
8.Enter the Invoice #, if known.
9.Select the Claim Attributes (category the claim was filed under) using the drop-down menu.
10.Select the Write-off Reason using the drop-down menu.
11.Enter the Claim #, if known.
12.Enter the Balance Over.
Note: This allows the user to search for all claims over the indicated balance.
13.Select Include Zero Balance check box to include claims with a $0 balance.
14.Click Search. The list of claims matching to search criteria is displayed below.