Provider may want see the patient again as per his/her treatment requirements on regular basis or intermediately. To make an appointment recurring, select the “Recurrence Appointment” check box when booking the appointment in the Appointment Details window. This opens the Appointment Recurrence window.

To book a recurring appointment:

1.Select the Recurrence Pattern from the drop-down list and select the appropriate radio button and enter the details (e.g., every 2 days).
2.Select the Start Date of the recurrence and select a date from the Calendar, or by typing into the free-form text box.
3.Select in the “End After” radio button to end the recurrence after a particular number of occurrences. Enter the number of occurrences into the free-form text box.
4.To end a recurring appointment by a specific date, select in the “End By” radio button and select a date from the Calendar, or type into the free-form text box.
5.Click Book Appointment.

 Note: An appointment cannot be changed to “Recurring” once the appointment is booked.

Recurrence Appointment