Recouping an insurance payment involves moving a payment from one claim to another (e.g., if payment was entered for the wrong patient) for the same patient or for different patients. The process is similar to refunding a payment.

To recoup an insurance payment:

1.Click in the check boxes next to the insurance payment and credit adjustment listing.
2.Click the Close Out button.
3.Click Refund/Recoup next to the payment listing to open the Refund screen.
4.Click the Recoup radial button to open the Recoupment screen.

The Source Patient and Destination Patient are defaulted to be the same, for the user to easily move a payment from a primary to secondary or tertiary insurance. If the user is moving a payment from one patient to another, they will have to select a new Destination Patient.

To move a payment from one patient to another:

1.Select the Payment Type and Details of the payment being recouped.
2.Enter the Recoup amount in the Source Patient.
3.Add Comments, if necessary.
4.Start typing the patient’s name into the Destination Patient field.
5.Select the patient’s name from the Smart Search list.
Note: If patient’s name does not display, click the INSYNC~1_img42icon to perform a Patient Search.
6.Enter the new Claim # to apply the payment to.
Note: If you don’t know the claim number, click theINSYNC~1_img42 icon to pull up a list of claims for that patient to select from.
7.Enter the Adjustment amount, if necessary.
Note: The Adjustment amount and Payment amount combined must equal the Recoup amount of the Source Patient.
8.Select a Reason Code, if desired. When the reason code is not entered, a message is displayed intimating about reason code selection.
9.Enter the Payment amount.
Note: The Adjustment amount and Payment amount combined must equal the Recoup amount of the Source Patient.
10.Enter Comments, if necessary.
11.Click Apply/Validate.
12.Click Save and close the Recoupment screen. The payment will now appear posted to the correct claim/patient.

