Click the Check Number in the Electronic Remittance screen to open ERA Claim Details for that batch in the window below. Each patient listed will have a claim #, billed amount, paid amount, and service dates associated with the listing.
Change the Received and Posting dates of the payments to be posted. By default, current dates are populated.
For unprocessed claims (i.e., claims pending to be auto-posted), select the check box next to the claim you want to post payment for and click the “Post Payment” button. To post payments for all claims listed, select the check box at the top of the column prior to clicking “Post Payment”.
The number of claims that have just been processed will now be reflected in the claim details above.
For some claims, the payment received from the insurance will be more than the balance amount. When you post the payment for excess payments, the following message is displayed when the payment is moved to unapplied credit.
Note: You can also post payments from the New Charge screen. On the New Charge screen, search for the claim for which the ERA checks are downloaded. Edit the claim. Use the “Click for ERA Lookup” link to navigate to the Electronic Remittance screen to post electronic payment. Once the payment is posted, click the “Back to New Charge” link to go back to the New Charge screen.