Adding CPT Codes To The Super Bill

InSync users can add CPT codes to the Super Bill from the Create Superbill screen. CPT, Modifier, and Diagnosis Codes already included with that Super Bill will appear preselected.

To add a CPT Code to the Super Bill:

1.Select the Super Bill Category to add the CPT Code to by clicking theINSYNC~1_img89 icon next to the category.
Note: This will prepopulate the Category Name field with that category. To create a new category, type the category name in the Category Name text box and click “Save.”
2.Select CPT Macros from the list.
1.Enter the CPT Code/Description in the text box.
2.Click the “Search” button. Search results will display in the window below.
3.Click in the check box next to the CPT code(s) you want to add.
4.Add Comments, if necessary.
Note: These will appear at the bottom of the Super Bill.
5.Click Save.

The newly added code will appear under that category listing on the right and will be added to the Super Bill Manager. Click the “Superbill Manager” button to return to that screen; select “Preview” to preview changes to that Super Bill.