This section helps you to add an allergy in the system. An allergy can be added only for the latest in-progress encounter.
To add an allergy:
1. | In the charting elements ribbon, click Medications/Allergies. The Medications/Allergies screen is displayed. |
2. | Click Add Allergies. The Add Allergies screen is displayed. |
Note: The Add Allergies button is enabled only for the latest in-progress encounter.
3. | Click Allergy / Intolerance. |
4. | Enter at least 3 letters of drug or non-drug allergy. |
Note: You can also select the allergy from the Common Allergies/Intolerance section.
5. | Click Search For Allergy. |
6. | Select an allergy from the list. |
7. | Select the Severity (High, Moderate, Low) from the drop-down. |
8. | Select the Complete Onset Date from the drop-down list and enter notes, if any. |
9. | Click Save Allergy. The selected allergy is added to the list. |
10. | Click Close. The allergy is added to the Allergies section on the Medications/Allergies screen. |
• | If the patient does not have any allergy, select the No known allergies check box. This would give you credit for purposes of meeting this MU measure. |
• | Once the allergies are reviewed, select the Reviewed by check box. Your name will be displayed as the reviewer along with date and time. |
• | On clicking More link, the Allergies Screen is displayed with the list of allergies added. |
• | Click the icon to view the details such as Created By, Created On, Modified By, and Modified On. |